Masterful Couples
and FamilesMasterful Couples & families is an exclusive group for married couples.
Its purpose is to help families grow in love, face all challenges that come in all stages of marriage and provide a healthy environment
Our Story
Marital and family break downs are a regular occurrence with long lasting devastating impact on the spouses and their children. Families face conflicts and challenges coming from their own disagreements, inability to grow intimacy, third parties, illnesses, behavioural & emotional issues and many other problems. Black African families traditionally have had to depend on their extended families not only for support in difficult times but also as marriage counsellors when there are challenges in their marriage.
The idea of seeking help from non-family members is still viewed as strange by many couples. The context in which many of these couples live often does not make it possible to access the traditional family structures for assistance. Many couples find themselves with no support and this has led to premature divorces on issues that could have been managed. Even in situations where they have access to their families, such options have been seen as not very helpful in the contemporary context.
While many couples claim to espouse Christian faith, it appears that they still struggle to use this faith resource to solve their marital problems. Often people do not have the skills to deal with these issues effectively. Once off events such as seminars, presentations do not always have sufficient impact. The lack of ongoing support towards the couples even when things are going well is also presenting serious problems.
All these problems show that there is a need for a supportive structure that would provide ongoing empowerment, counselling, education, support and accountability systems for couples of all ages. Masterful Couples and Families functions as a village/community where peer counselling is utilised as one of the strategies for marital intervention.